TeleDentistry, An Exciting New Tool – Virtual Online Dental Care


TeleDentistry, An Exciting New Tool – Virtual Online Dental Care

Leading a healthy life is becoming easier than ever. These days, you have accessories which can track your health (like fitness bands, smartwatches, etc.), telemedicine apps to keep your conditions in check and smartphones to access your doctors when needed. Hence, consumers can avail of healthcare services on demand. This phenomenon is becoming increasingly popular in dentistry as well. That’s where teledentistry comes in.

Teledentistry: Leading The Way Towards a New Era of Dental Care

It may not always be possible for you to fit in a dental visit in your regular schedule, especially if you live in a remote location. However, advancements in technology have brought dentistry services to you. In simple terms, teledentistry (often referred to as remote teledentistry) is virtual dental care done through information technology. It uses electronic information, imaging and communication technologies (audio, video, data transmission, etc.) to offer virtual dental care (from consultations and diagnosis to treatment and education). One may say that it refers to the virtual visits between patients and dentists.

Making a Healthy Lifestyle More Achievable

Do you go to the dentist for regular check-ups? More than 50% of you would give a negative answer and the ones answering with “yes” usually leave it to emergencies. Despite regular dental check-ups being crucial for good oral as well as overall health, people avoid it due to fear, expenses and lengthy treatment plans.

Remote teledentistry makes it possible for you to access dental services at your home. It makes it incredibly easier and much more convenient for you to maintain regular dental check-ups. People living in rural parts of the world are significantly benefited as they can access expert dental care services without having to travel too far for it. Thus, teledentistry makes it possible for people of all ages and belonging to every geographical location to avail virtual dental care.

Know The Various Forms of Teledentistry

The ADA states the following forms of teledentistry:

Real-time Live Video – As the name suggests, it involves a live video consultation between a patient and a dentist. This is done via the camera on one’s smartphone, laptop, tablet or any other electronic gadget. However, internet connectivity is a must.

Remote Patient Monitoring – This type involves the collection of a patient’s personal dental health information by a health provider who then passes on the information to another provider for future treatment via an electronic medium. You may find this type of teledentistry in a nursing home facility or dental clinic.

Mobile Health – Electronic gadgets like smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc. also offers dental health education and services. There are certain applications that users may install which keep a track on their oral hygiene routine and other oral care practices.

Recorded Dental Health Information – This type of teledentistry is somewhat similar to remote monitoring. It involves the sending of documented dental health records (like X-ray images, dental impressions, dental images and videos, etc.) to a health provider where it can be assessed to evaluate one’s situation or to be able to provide appropriate service when needed.

Enjoy Revolutionary Benefits of Teledentistry

Teledentistry offers some mind-blowing benefits that make it worth your investment. Here are a few:

Enjoy being treated more accurately!

Dentists have become more accessible, thanks to teledentistry. It allows the transmission of accurate records of a patient in no time which leads to precise diagnosis and personalised treatment plans.

Avail dentistry services at pocket-friendly prices!

Teledentistry does not require you to make time out from work or school and travel to the dentist’s office. Thus, you can save both time and transportation costs which, in turn, makes dental treatment more affordable.

Speaking from the dentist’s point of view: Teledentistry enables them to see more patients in the same amount of time. Therefore, their costs are reduced as well.

It has been proven that teledentistry encourages people to get regular check-ups and consult a dentist whenever they face a problem to avoid it from turning into a serious complication. Putting it in a different way, teledentistry enables specialists to diagnose potential issues much sooner and ultimately lessen the cost of treatment.

Consult a dentist whenever you need and want!

Teledentistry is a blessing in disguise for those people who live in remote corners and rural places across the world and for whom it is next to impossible to reach out to a local dentist. It is also beneficial for those people who do not have a dental insurance plan and are, thus, unable to seek professional help whenever they need it.

Say goodbye to your fear of dental visits!

Let’s be honest for a moment. Many people, especially kids, shiver at the thought of going to the dentist. The sound of a dental drill or just the mere thought of a dentist’s chair sends chills down one’s spines. However, with teledentistry, you do not have to visit the dentist’s office for a check-up physically. It eliminates the fear factor to a great extent and makes patients feel “more in control” of the consultation. Hence, you can be assured of feeling much better about your virtual dental care through this medium.

Expect The Unexpected With Teledentistry!

Patients who need to undergo treatment or consultation via teledentistry have the right to expect:

  • That a licensed dentist will treat them.
  • That they will be able to verify the dentist’s license and qualifications.
  • Services that follow laid out guidelines.
  • That they can have access to the identity of the service providers.
  • That they will have access to the recorded documentation of their procedures.
  • That they will have the freedom to decide critical aspects regarding their treatment.
  • That their personal information is secured and protected.
  • That teledentistry services conform to the laws and regulations.

Teledentistry is revolutionizing the way people perceive dentistry and the way dentists treat their patients. It surely promises a bright future for both patients and dentists. Invest in teledentistry today and experience its redefining factors yourselves.

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